A series of occasionally not well thought out rants and raves. Wait, are rants negative and raves positive? See what I mean?
Monday, December 18, 2006
You've got a little something right there...
This is the highly adorable face that I have to leave behind for weeks on end next month. The last time I left she learned two new words; "hockey" and "no-no-no". Today while I was at work, she started saying "cookie" and "blanket".
I don't know if a woman can 'have it all' as my sister would say. I hate leaving her (and the other two what's-their-names) and part of me resents missing out on all these "firsts".
Burn all the bras you like, a man would never feel the longing and the angst over leaving his children for business.
I guess I can just resign myself to the fact that its only for short periods of time and only during the winter months...But if I get back and she's humming the tune to Hockey Night in Canada, I'm handing in my notice.
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Tidal Bore Anyone?
So, back from my second Skate Canada Event, this time in sunny Moncton, NB. I know what you're thinking, ick, Moncton. Well, you may want to redact your negative thoughts; Moncton was a pleasure, really. Maritimers, while dim-witted and punctually challenged are, hands down, the loveliest people in the country. Friendly, charming and above all, NUTS about their figure skating.
The major upside to the trip was that one of our Skate Canada team was actually born and raised in Moncton and is, if you will, quite a celebrity around town; everywhere you went people were lined up to say hello to our Emery, and he knew literally everyone and every place to EAT. Nearly every night we feasted like kings on fresh seafood, steaks, pasta, whathavyou. Delectable. It was like touring with Gail King!
One other fun thing was a live performance by lovable Shaun Majumder at Yuk Yuks in Moncton. While I am not usually a fan of live stand-up comedy I will admit this was a very funny performance, although it could have stood to lose the "Kramer" impression. Unless you are Chris Rock, the use of the n-word is inexcusable and not at all funny, people.
Much less drinking and eating took place and virtually no jet-jag, so I am back to my old self in record time this time 'round.
Next stop, Halifax. Get out your nor'easter...
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Skating Anyone?
I have just returned from my first Skate Canada Event in Victoria, BC. For eight days we hosted the worlds best singles and pairs skaters in the world as they short programmed, long programmed and danced their way to the winners podium.
I will say one thing about figure skating - it's some kind of serious work! I have never been so up-close and personal with professional athletes before (sorry, Amy), and I was very, very impressed with the physical and emotional stamina that these people (most of them nearly children) have . The focus they have, the respect for one another and their devotion to their sport is outstanding; they have my utmost respect.
Beyond the skaters was the phenomenal amount of work that goes into putting on a production of this size. I saw ice being painted, jumbotrons being lowered and reconfigured, miles and miles of something called 'patch cables' being installed and tens of thousands of people filing in and out of our building in orderly, manageable form. Our team definitely took the gold for 'event staging'.
I am exhausted, jet lagged and my feet are still aching, but it was a really great time. I really bonded with my coworkers and it feels good to be part of this team.
I will say, however, that Victoria is not the end all and be all of beautiful places to visit, as the residents of Victoria would have you believe. While they get very little (or no) snow, it rains all the bloody time; you can't ski on rain, people! Have you ever seen a rainmain? Kids making rain angels? Ever whipped a rainball at someone? No. What you may have seen is leaking roofs, frizzy hair and people being drenched in a tidal wave from a roadside puddle.
The other downside to thier mild climate is that the homeless and the aged outnumber anyone else at least five to one, so unless you're a widower looking to score some crack, stay East with the hardier Canadians.
Relieved and happy to be home, I have the entire week off and two weeks of office time before my next destination, tropical Moncton, NB.
Stay Tuned.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
A Wedding Speech...
The four of us have been close, close friends for fifteen years now. But as the first of us is not only getting married, but moving to an entirely other continent, we are presented with a sort of opportunity, if you will.
We have an opening in our foursome and this event is as good a place as any to start spreading the word of our opening.
As we are filling a very unique role, you should expect us to be quite particular;
Firstly, the person will have to possess a rather spectacular flass. (for those not familiar, a flass is a unique trait; it is when a personÂs ass actually stretches from the backs of their thighs to their upper-mid-section and leaves all jeans and pant with a baggy, loose area where a typical bum should be; For a live example, please refer to almost any Tector . Yes, we will be requiring a flass to complement our full-bottomed group.
Secondly, the person should be punctual to a fault. The fault being that under no situation will any of us be able to live up to their uber-punctuality and as a result we will be passive-aggressively ignored and shunned through tight little pursed lips for hours until we have fed this person a Mars bar.
Thirdly the person must be one who dances with the grace of a happy sea crab and who knows all the words to Waltzing Matilda or The Mary Ellen Carter
Finally, she should have immaculate taste in men; this is not to say that she couldn't have had her share of undertakers, hot-dog-eaters, or bisexuals, but at present date her partiality should be narrowed down to one extremely lovable, funny man who adores all of her quirks and behaviors, of which there are many.
Now, we are not fussy about things like shopping endurance or personal hygiene; we have made concessions in the past for Amy's inability to cope with crowds or ironing boards.
Things which are certain to be deal breakers will include, but are not limited to;
Generosity of heart; We need someone who will fly her sister in to console her after a bad break-up, send her friends flowers on their last day of work, rearrange her entire life for the birth of not one, but three of our children, someone who always sees the best in people and who keeps in touch with her friends and family despite busy schedules and distance between.
The ability to listen, endlessly. Listen to us cry, laugh, tell boring stories, whathaveyou. Listen and not interrupt; listen and not offer advice, just listen. Bring sunshine and light to an otherwise dark day; eat more than we did when we felt bad about eating too much, not judge when we say terrible things, and appreciate and love us for our short comings.
These will be very adorable, perhaps shiny-red, unusually narrow shoes to fill. While we are very doubtful that we will be successful in our search and will ultimately remain merely a threesome, we still wish Amy and Andrew all of the happiness and joy that two people can stand. Please raise us glass with us, but do NOT clink them together, for our dearest friend Amy and her wonderful new husband Andrew; he is the only man deserving of taking her from us and I think we can all agree that she is irreplaceable.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
God Ajö IKEA!
Friday, September 29th, 2006 will mark my last day at IKEA, Ottawa. After four years of herring, meatballs and more cinnamon buns than I care to think about I will be embarking on a new journey; one paved in ice.
I have been hired by Skate Canada as Events Inventory Coordinator and I couldn't be more excited, nervous or thrilled!
More details to follow as the big day approaches.
Friday, September 08, 2006
Here are some before pics of the kitchen, bathroom and back yard, to give you an idea of what we've been up to... If all goes according to plan we should be posting the 'After's in a few weeks.
Here's Elizabeth and and Simon playing in their new backyard...
So, as you can see the place was a little blue.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Okay, I know it, I'm a dead-beat blogger. I've been busy, really!
I have this week off work, so I will now give you all the lo-down on the Moore-Main front.
1. The reno's on our house on First Ave are coming along swimmingly. We held a fabulously productive painting party on the 26th and with the help of Sara, Marc, Andrew, Melissa, Dwight, Jackie and Don the house was practically totally painted in under three hours.
Some remarks were made that it was more of a light-labor camp than a party, but I maintain that if Beer and Pizza are served and no one is flogged then it classifies as a party. BIG BIG thank-yous go out to our campers, um, party-guests...
2. Elizabeth maintains a high level of adorability. See pic above.
3. Nicholas has started high-school. No, not a typo, HIGH-SCHOOL. It is horrifying, almost unbelievable, but nonetheless true. So far no yicky pre-teen mustache has appeared, but the B.O. is alive and growing.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Saturday, June 17, 2006
HOT off the Press
The rain seems to have finally let up and has been replaced by scorching, relentless, stifling heat. I am not complaining, merely observing with the use of non-positive adjectives.
Some truly positive notes...
Well, I passed the course I was taking. Lets just say I am lucky to have such thick skin on my teeth...
I ran the half marathon at National Capital Race Weekend (that's 21km for you non-runners out there). The temperature that day was 27C, so I was very pleased not to be one of the poor bastards being assisted by a medic half way to the finish line. When Nicholas asked me what place I came in I think he was very unimpressed by my answer, "2168th".
Simon had an encounter with the pavement again last week resulting in a large welt on the side of his head and a black eye for a few days. To mend his spirits he got a tour of one of the firetrucks that was parked on our block for an evening.
Nicholas's soccer season has been incident free, I am pleased to report. Some wins, some non-wins, lots and lots and lots of gas consumed (by the van).
Elizabeth has an official forst word. Doggie. We are all suitable pleased. Morely is very proud.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Friday, April 21, 2006
Our Latest Aquisition
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Some Updates
Well, my semester is almost over, so my final is this Thursday. The results of that could go either way really...I will keep you posted.
Kids are great; Nicholas bought himself a new bike this weekend. He had a wonderful bike that his grandparents had bought him two years ago. Though barely used, he had outgrown it. On Saturday afternoon he took it across the way to "Bert's Used Bikes" and proposed a trade. Bert offered him 120$ for his bike and wanted another 75$ for the new one. After test-riding the bike for the afternoon, Nich told Bert he would give hime 50$ and he wanted him to throw in a new bike-lock. They settled on 60$ and a new lock. Look out dad, this kid is going to be buying cars in a few years...
Simon has survived another week without a trip to Emerg... (the last trip was a few weeks ago for a broken nose and three stitches to his upper lip. Lesson learned: Pavement is not good toboganing surface.
Elizabeth is excessively adorable as the pics will show. We fear she may not be English, however. She seems to not understand anything we say and is always on the phone with someone we have never even heard of.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Gone, but not forgotten....
Some of you may or may not know that on our way back from the Bahamas we lost our beloved camera; our eye on you, if you will. After we returned and discovered it was gone I was very depressed for several days. I called all the airports and taxis and hotels I had been in during our trip, but turned up nothing. I have since forced my self to get on with my life. It has been very, very difficult, but being the strong, brave woman that I am, I have trudged forth.
I have ordered a newer, better camera. It should be here tomorrow. Oh what a happy day it will be...
Incidentally check out this blog on a similar topic...
Monday, February 27, 2006
We're Baaaacck!
You know what they say, "A bad day in the Bahamas is still better than a good day at home..." At least from now on, that's what I say...
Despite all of our outgoing flights being cancelled at the last minute due to the snow in NYC, despite driving nine and a half hours to two different airports to catch two cancelled flights, despite dropping an extra 400$ on unexpected hotels rooms in cities like Syracuse New York and Nassau, when we finally arrived on Tuesday morning rather than Sunday afternoon, Lochabar was a tropical oasis unlike any any we had ever seen....The water was as clear as a swimming pool for miles and our view was only ever impeded by the sunlight reflecting off the water.
The locals complained all the time about how cold it was (we were there during a cold snap), but the coldest day was probably about 20 and by the end of the week I am sure the temperature was up to almost 30, but there was always a nice breeze which made getting a scorching sunburn a cinch!
When we did venture into town for groceries or island fare, the people were very warm and kind and with the exception for hundreds of roaming goats and sheep, there was almost no "wildlife" to speak of.
Sadly, on the way home we lost our camera which was full of great pics, so I only have these three two show you. Its probably for the best; I hear the weather here was one of the coldest weeks this winter...
Saturday, February 11, 2006
So Long Baby!!
After what seems like several winters of being pregnant, having babies and selling houses, we are finally off to the sun and sand of glorious Whistling Duck Cottage, Long Island, Bahamas. My fantastic mother and my wonderful sister-in-law have generously offered to look after our adoring children for the week. (if there is a word that reflects generosity to the umpteenth power, please let me know so that I may replace the understated "generous"). Stay tuned for many, many pics of us lounging, sipping, swimming, snorkeling and all around lounging, that will make you mouth water.
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Well, I am at the end of week two. So far so good. It was somewhat disappointing that the same jokes are going around (we sell a lamp called 'Colon') and the bloody photocopier in our office hasn't been heaved into the compacter, but otherwise, a very smooth transition.
I won't pretend like I am not exhausted. Between classes at Ottawa U and trying to keep up with my working out (six mornings a week, swimming, running, gym, just to brag a little), I am pretty pooped by ten o'clock, but I am extremely fortunate to have the support of a wonderful family and the services of a fantastic Nanny.
Stay tuned for humorous Swedish anecdotes...
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
The Final Countdown
Six days and counting...
How 55 weeks will fly by when you're changing diapers and counting stretchmarks! On Monday January ninth I will reunite with my coworkers for the first time in over a year.
I have some seriously mixed feelings about this, as you can imagine. On the one hand, I do love my job (most of the time). I like the people I work with (most of them). And I know it won't be much longer before I go completely stir-crazy staying at home. But on the other hand, the baby is so darn CUTE and she seems to be exceeding her daily cute record every day!!! (see photo) I have really enjoyed taking walks with her, baking and cooking with Simon (which may explain why my pants keep shrinking...) and all the wonderful home-maker type things that I would never EVER have done before. (cooking for my man and cleaning the oven to name a few).
But the fun has to end sometime right? I have a wonderful Nanny who will look after the kids and I will be home on Fridays, so its not like I won't ever see them, sniffle sniffle... but I will be sad to leave on Monday morning just the same.
Sunday, January 01, 2006
Merry Christmas to ALL!
Living in a diverse city like Ottawa can be tricky during holiday season. I had a bit of an awkward situation last week when I wished the Pizza-Guy a Merry Christmas. It was evident that Christmas was not one of the holidays observed by this man, but being a friendly person who was not brought up in the age of "PC", I have been throwing around the "Merry Xmas-es" like they were candy canes at the Santa Claus parade. He gave me a blank look for a second and wished me the same, but I could tell I had made him uncomfortable.
While I gorged on my pizza, I took some time to reflect on what had happened and I have come up with this solution to what seems to be a problem plaguing department stores and consumers, Christian and Non around the world.
Whether you celebrate or even observe the same holidays and anniversaries as I do, I will still continue to wish you a happy "whatever" regardless. I do not feel that I should curtail my enjoyment of the season or my desire to spread joy simply because you do not share in it. I would not be offended if you wished me a "Happy Hanukkah" or a "Merry Eid"; I would be thrilled that you thought to welcome me to your celebration. I think it is sad that someone would take offense to being wished a happy anything for that matter.
"Happy Pride Week" to all my gay AND straight friends you will hear me say this summer. I will accept a "Merry Columbus Day" from my neighbors to the south next fall. We should all accept a wish for a nice day from your waiter, neighbor, bus driver and give one in return this year. There are plenty of people wishing ill to oneanother, lets wish something pleasant and be happy when someone wishes it to us!
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