Saturday, December 09, 2006

Tidal Bore Anyone?

So, back from my second Skate Canada Event, this time in sunny Moncton, NB. I know what you're thinking, ick, Moncton. Well, you may want to redact your negative thoughts; Moncton was a pleasure, really. Maritimers, while dim-witted and punctually challenged are, hands down, the loveliest people in the country. Friendly, charming and above all, NUTS about their figure skating. The major upside to the trip was that one of our Skate Canada team was actually born and raised in Moncton and is, if you will, quite a celebrity around town; everywhere you went people were lined up to say hello to our Emery, and he knew literally everyone and every place to EAT. Nearly every night we feasted like kings on fresh seafood, steaks, pasta, whathavyou. Delectable. It was like touring with Gail King! One other fun thing was a live performance by lovable Shaun Majumder at Yuk Yuks in Moncton. While I am not usually a fan of live stand-up comedy I will admit this was a very funny performance, although it could have stood to lose the "Kramer" impression. Unless you are Chris Rock, the use of the n-word is inexcusable and not at all funny, people. Much less drinking and eating took place and virtually no jet-jag, so I am back to my old self in record time this time 'round. Next stop, Halifax. Get out your nor'easter...


Anonymous said...

I object to your characeterization of Maritimers. Am considering legal action should you persist in your postings.

Your Monarch said...

hmmm, spoken like a true big-shot-small-man-complex-Lawyer. Why don't you get a boost into your humm-vee and come over here and say that to my face?
Give my regards to Maria.