Monday, December 18, 2006

You've got a little something right there...

This is the highly adorable face that I have to leave behind for weeks on end next month. The last time I left she learned two new words; "hockey" and "no-no-no". Today while I was at work, she started saying "cookie" and "blanket". I don't know if a woman can 'have it all' as my sister would say. I hate leaving her (and the other two what's-their-names) and part of me resents missing out on all these "firsts". Burn all the bras you like, a man would never feel the longing and the angst over leaving his children for business. I guess I can just resign myself to the fact that its only for short periods of time and only during the winter months...But if I get back and she's humming the tune to Hockey Night in Canada, I'm handing in my notice.

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