Wednesday, November 09, 2005

This May Alarm You...

As mentioned in my first blog I have started a Neighborhood Watch program for our block (yes, the entire rest of the city can drop off the face of the earth for all I care, so long as the few hundred feet of property around me are okay...). In the last three weeks three of my neighbors have been broken in to (one while they were home no less!), so it would seem we are in the middle of a mini crime wave. Like many of my neighbors, upon hearing fo the break-ins I called an alarm company for an estimate. So the guy shows up promptly the next day to regale me with horror stories about the woman down the street being attacked in her home by her ex husband who is a "pathalogical thief in this area" and how my dog will be killed by a lethal screwdriver weilding man any minute now... He also went on about how scared I was and how scared my children are and how he deeply cares about me and them....At this point I was scanning the room for a screwdriver... I finally managed to get rid of Robert Stack by telling him that my husband would have to make the final descision and we woud get back to him. (for those of you just tuning in, I am not married nor have I ever relied on my husband to make descisions). In the end we have decided to forgo the alarm for now. Maybe it has something to do with my rural roots, maybe its because I hate the thought of driving my neighbors up the wall every two hours because some squirrel has set the damn thing off (I think squirrels have excellent connections on the blackmarket trading front....). Mostly I think the thirty dollars a month could be better spent on dog food for our giant man-eating dog; Killer (seen above)


Anonymous said...

I love the "my husband makes those decisions" excuse. I use it all the time with telemarketers.

Oh, and welcome to the blog world. You're officially a geek.

Anonymous said...

Um, your Killer looks more like the type of dog that would snuggle up on the couch with his newest best friend. That's okay, it's the bark that matters.

Your Monarch said...

Yes, Morley would love nothing more than to snuggle up with you, but unfortunately his "superpower" is that he exudes an odour that if harnessed, the US government would use to turture prisoners with at Guantanamo... Seriously - there is like a dead rotting skunk inside of him that had eaten a bowl of broccoli soup that had been left to rot in the heat...

Anonymous said...

Don't forget the tongue - or rather, The Tongue. Seriously, there's some fundamental design flaw in that dog's mouth.