Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Summer in a Nutshell Post

Holy Mother it has been a long time since I’ve been here…what the heck is going on? Oh, right… a nervous breakdown, three kids, the last of which started school last week, a new job, a new house, two weddings and another on the way, ten pounds and another bloody stinking ankle sprain. Where to begin…

Well, yes, I went off to the Olympic Winter Games in Vancouver. I never wrote about it, blogged about it or even spoke about it much to almost anyone so don’t feel as though you’re in the dark. For seven weeks I lived in the Olympic Village, ate lunch with Syd the Kid, consumed a LOT of McCafé and missed the entire last season of Lost. Enuf said.

The kids are great; Nicholas has his first real job, (by real, I mean not working for his dad) at Kunstadt Sports. He loves it and although I have not been in to spy on him, is I am sure a natural. He has always been very at ease around people and is a master at shooting the daily crap, so no doubt will be Manager by Christmas. Simon played soccer all summer, worked for his dad and surprisingly avoided injury, which for him is a major accomplishment. Elizabeth was lured by the siren song of the Eastern Townships pony and is now in regular lessons. Oddly, she seems to have no trouble communicating to the horse that she is in charge.

Started a new job in August; I am the Facilities and Operations Technologist for the Canadian Museum of Civilisation as well as the Canadian War Museum. Ahh…the great Canadian dream to move to Ottawa, ice-skate to your government job and live no more than six feet from a Tim Hortons…Yup, I have sold out. What can I say…the pension rocks, the benefits are great and from my office I have the single best view in the City. Suck on that Syd. Seriously though, the job is going well enough…The people are nice, all the work is in French and most importantly people seem to dress well; It’s amazing how just being ‘on the other side’ makes such a difference.

Yes, another house. Pics and updates on that one to follow. It’s a lot of work, but stunning underneath it all. Kinda like me

As mentioned, we have attended two weddings this summer; they were both equally beautiful and touching and as such deserve their own post, along with one for the final wedding of 2010 in October. Stay tuned.

Ten pounds and another bloody ankle sprain. Blerg. Piece of advice from me to you; don’t wear your work heels for the riding part of your commute. There is a reason that you often see people wearing runners or flats on their bikes. That reason is ankle sprains. As such, running has taken a major backseat. In the front seat? Cheese.

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