Friday, November 18, 2005

You know you have become a true Ottawaian when...

Okay, I have partially ripped this off of my sister's list and a list that was tabulated in Ottawa magazine, but most of these are my own. Feel free to add yours...
  1. You have a great suit for work on, but you have white sneakers or any shoe from MEC on your feet.
  2. Your kid is four and you're still breastfeeding it.
  3. You complain about the traffic (which is non-existent)
  4. You aspire to become a Public Servant
  5. You won't spank you kid; in public or otherwise
  6. You give up smoking
  7. Most of your wardrobe comes from MEC and/or is made of hemp
  8. You spend over 20k on childcare every year
  9. Over 75% of the people on your party list are Public Servants and Lawyers
  10. You have a cottage and it is 12 minutes from your home
  11. You shop "organic"
  12. You ride your bike to and from work (see point 1)
  13. You have a nanny and its not considered a luxury but in fact a way of saving money (see point 8)
  14. You are more afraid of the police than the crack-heads
  15. You paid over 400k for a townhome in the 'burbs
  16. You restrict your highlights to blonde, otherwise its too racy
  17. You wait until you're in your 40's to start having children
  18. You dress badly (upscale to you is the Bay or Cleo)
  19. You have named your child Sienna or Bryce or anything ending in an "ie" rather than a "Y"
  20. You have forgotten the words to " O Canada" in French, but know them backwards and forwards in English
  21. You know the truth about Max Keeping
  22. You are surprised to find out someone is straight.
  23. Your boys swim instead of play hockey (I think in Quebec you can actually be stoned for this...)
  24. You install floating floor (over hardwood!!!)


Anonymous said...

Sometimes people have no choice but to use floating floor, and judgy judgersteins shouldn't judge.

Your Monarch said...

You always have a choice, Anon. This isnt Russia you know.

Anonymous said...

Yes, because in Russia, they would know when to use possessive apostrophes... Maybe certain people would KNOW about Russian possessive apostrophe use, if certain people had read Anna Karenina for their book club after THEY SUGGESTED IT.
Anonymously yours,