Here's a list of things I bought lately and how I feel about them;
1. Lululemon's Run Zoom Crops. Yes, they look great (possibly not as great on me as little Miss Legs in the pic there) but they are not, in any way intended for anyone who, a) has an ass or b) intends to take thier ass with them on a run. Why? because they shimmy down and you spend the better part of the run hiking up your pants and let's face it, we don’t need anymore excuses not to run.
2. These fantastic 'choose your length' leggings from Aritzia. LOVE these. They come in a super-long length for those bitches with really long legs but they have three little tiny stitch lines at below the knee, knee, and above the knee length so you can cut them to whatever length suits you the best. It's genius!!!!!! They don't fray or stretch out of shape. On a recent trip where I bounced through five airports in three days I wore the same pair over and over again and they held their own. Approx $20.
3. Bras from Victoria's Secret. What can I say, get your ladies in one today. They're sexy, comfortable and supportive. They're like a wonderful gay friend, but for your tits. Although the website is super fraught with ridiculously fake breasted women in poses that no women has ever been in, it is easy as pie to manoeuvre; details about coverage, cup size, padding levels are all at your fingertips. I have a bunch of different styles but have not ventured to the strapless variety. Will do so this summer though; stay tuned.
4. Mr.Clean Magic Eraser. Bought a pack of two last week and tested them out on fingerprint stained doorways and coloured-on walls. While the sheer joy of cleaning was definitely a major highlight, I'm not entirely certain this qualifies as 'magical' in any sense. I mean, it cleans things, but not any better than good old-fashioned soap and water. I suppose there is something to be said for the soap always being in the eraser and not having to reapply, but really, no big whoop.
5. 'Northern Songs - Canada's Best and Brightest' CD. I actually bought this at Starbucks in Vancouver, and apparently the coffee icon has the exclusive rights to its' sales, so you may have a hard time finding it, but if you are so lucky as to track down a copy, it will be well worth the hunt. It's a great Sunday afternoon collection of Canadian singers and songwriters; the Band, Feist, Rufus Wainright, Cowboy Junkies and of course Sarah Mc to name a few.
Further to these items, I am happy to fully endorse AirCanada's Cheese and Crackers plate from the on-board cafe, Glee (the television program, not the emotion), any Bosch appliances, C2 paint, the iPhone and a venti-triple-non-fat-skinny-latte, unless I'm in the UK in which case, stick to the Illy.